10 Hours Mandated: Increases Federal Min Rest by 2 Hours
October 7, 2022 - The FAA signed the final rule for our 10 hours rest this week. The rule requires 10 hours minimum, non-reducible rest for Flight Attendants between duty days. This finally makes the 2018 law a reality for all U.S. Flight Attendants.
The rule increases the rest period to 10 irreducible hours when scheduled for a duty period of 14 hours or less.
Airlines will have 90 days to implement the rule, meaning 10 hours will be in effect by the end of January 2023. Your AFA Master Executive Councils (MEC) and AFA staff negotiators will work with airline management to implement 10 hours as soon as possible and adjust any related contract language.
- US to require more rest between shifts for flight attendants, Associated Press
- FAA increases rest time for flight attendants, The Washington Post
- FAA announces rule allowing more rest for flight attendants, CNN
- U.S. FAA mandates new flight attendant rest time rules, Reuters
- Flight attendants will get more rest between shifts under new FAA rule, USA Today