51st Convention of the AFA Board of Directors: What You Need to Know
May 9, 2024 — The 51st AFA Board of Directors (BOD) Convention will take place in Atlanta, Georgia — home to Endeavor AFA 49, Frontier AFA Council 81, and Spirit AFA Council 77 (ATL) — starting May 20th. AFA Local Executive Council (LEC) Presidents from each of our 20 AFA represented airlines, Master Executive Council (MEC) Officers, International Officers, members and guests will join together for an in-person meeting.
A total of 16 Advance Agenda Items have been submitted for consideration at this convention. In advance of the convention, Local Councils will conduct membership meetings and solicit your feedback on the issues that will be discussed and decided for the running of our union. You can find a list of these agenda items and complete language here.
This year a big issue we’ve discussed many times has been put forward for consideration by our International President. The issue is whether to conduct MEC and International Officer elections by one member, one vote - or direct membership election.
Your Local President represents you and the other members of your Local Council on the Board of Directors and will be casting votes with the full strength of your council at the convention. MEC Officers at multi-council airlines serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity on the BOD. Only officers directly-elected by members can cast votes.
If you have any questions about the BOD Convention, contact your Local Council President or visit afa-bod.org.