AFA Alaska Makes Our Case to the NMB
April 26, 2024 - AFA International President Sara Nelson and General Counsel/Director of Collective Bargaining Joe Burns joined Alaska MEC President Jeff Peterson and Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo to present our perspective on Alaska negotiations to the three National Mediation Board (NMB) members in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, April 23. Their federal mediator was also present. The meeting presented an opportunity for us to familiarize the Board with our specific concerns in negotiations, the industry landscape, and the significant lift it will take to bring Alaska Flight Attendants up to par with the industry.
The two-hour meeting allowed our union to make the case that we are committed to the quick resolution of our negotiations. However, that must result in a paradigm shift in compensation for Alaska Flight Attendants, which is a goal for which we are willing to fight! Questions and comments from the Board underscored that they recognized our concerns and our resolve. Read the full update.