AFA Celebrates Black History Month
January 31, 2020 - AFA is proud to celebrate Black History Month. Last year, the AFA Executive Board passed a resolution recognizing Black History Month and committing to celebration and education.
Local Councils are distributing a Black History Month AFA pin. Diversity and Inclusion pins were a concept put forward by AFA members through AFA structure. We know have a PRIDE pin and a Black History Month pin. We expect to hear from additional members who want to celebrate our diverse history, and we will take similar action when we do.
On February 11, 1958, Ruth Carol Taylor worked her initial flight after being hired by Mohawk Airlines. She was the first African-American Flight Attendant in the United States. Only six months after breaking one historic barrier, Taylor's career ended due to another discriminatory barrier: the airline's marriage ban, a common practice among airlines of the day of dismissing Flight Attendants who became either married or pregnant.