Flight Attendant Union Congratulates Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao On Confirmation
Washington, D.C. (January 31, 2017) — The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA) congratulates Elaine Chao on her confirmation as U.S. Secretary of Transportation. AFA International President Sara Nelson today issued the following statement:
“We congratulate Secretary Elaine Chao on her confirmation as Secretary of Transportation. Safe air travel and a strong U.S. aviation industry are a vital part of the U.S. economy. We look forward to working with Secretary Chao on issues including enforcing Open Skies agreements to maintain good U.S. aviation jobs and continue collaborative safety work like combatting human trafficking. AFA will continue offer our experience in the aircraft cabin to promote aviation safety, health and security as Secretary Chao leads our nation's Department of Transportation."
The Association of Flight Attendants is the Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 71 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. Nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at www.afacwa.org.