AFA Flight Attendants At World's Largest Airline Use Known Crewmember Security Program
Washington, DC - Over 25,000 Flight Attendants at the new United Airlines, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), today began use of the alternate, expedited security screening program, Known Crewmember (KCM).
"The inclusion of Flight Attendants into Known Crewmember at the world's largest carrier sets the stage for the rest of the industry. AFA was able to work alongside management to ensure that all pre-merger United, Continental and Continental Micronesia Flight Attendants have access to the efficient checkpoint screening program," said Greg Davidowitch, AFA pre-merger United President and Marcus Valentino, AFA pre-merger Continental President. "We hope that more airlines across the country will follow United's lead and participate in the enhanced screening that provides great benefit for crewmembers and passengers alike."
AFA advocated forcefully at many levels of government and industry to promote the KCM program with full recognition of Flight Attendants' role in aviation security. KCM, developed by A4A and the Air Line Pilots Association, is an expedited screening program for authorized and trusted crewmembers at security screening checkpoints utilizing established security clearances that each aviation employee must meet as a condition of employment. Crewmembers, including Flight Attendants and Pilots, are subject to identical background checks and clearance procedures.
The Association of Flight Attendants is the world’s largest Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 67 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. Nearly 60,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at