AFA, Teamsters, and Bernie Rally in Chicago to Fight Corporate Greed
June 19, 2022 - AFA President Sara Nelson, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien slammed corrupt corporate power at “The Working Class: Fighting Against Corporate Greed” rally Thursday in Chicago. Flight Attendants from United, GoJet, Delta, and American turned out.
Our momentum is building nationwide as workers at major companies like Delta, Amazon and Starbucks are organizing our unions!
Delta AFA Flight Attendant Jonnie Lane shared her story about why she's organizing to join AFA: "[As] passengers have returned over the last year, Delta management has shown us over and over again why we need a union and real voice at work. On a recent trip, I was flying with three brand new Flight Attendants. Every single one of them signed a card. It’s going to take hard work, but I know we can win!"
Poll after poll shows voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – support workers in our fight against corporate greed. It’s not about politics; it’s about people. We are the reason our government exists, and the economy doesn’t move without us.
“It’s time we set the agenda with an economy for the people, not the billionaires,” AFA President Sara Nelson said. “Working class solidarity – a force stronger than gravity; it lifts us up – can get it done.”
Speaking to thousands of union workers, Bernie, Sara, and Sean called on the crowd to fight back against corporate greed by organizing and demanding better pay and working conditions.
“Over the last 50 years, there’s been a massive transfer of wealth in this country, but it’s going in the wrong direction,” said Senator Sanders. “Good news: working people are standing together and fighting back.”