AFA Testifies on Implementation of 2018 FAA Reauthorization Bill
September 27, 2019 — Yesterday, September 26th, AFA President Sara Nelson testified before the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation during a hearing on the Implementation of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.
Sara's testimony focused primarily on the need to implement 10 hours non-reducible rest now. It's law! She also highlighted implementation issues on secondary barriers, cabin evacuation standards study, and passenger service agent assault.
Lawmakers made clear to FAA Deputy Administrator Dan Elwell that they had already directed the FAA on what to do so the rule-making was unnecessary. "We were very specific about what we wanted to see and how we wanted to see it and when we wanted to see it," said Rick Larsen (D-Wash.), chairman of the House Transportation Aviation Subcommittee, during the hearing yesterday on implementing the FAA law. "[We] didn't leave ambiguity in the law about what we wanted, and yet here we are still waiting on a 10-hour rest rule."
Our rest is law. The FAA has been directed by Congress to implement. Individual Flight Attendants do not need to comment on the FAA’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM). You participated in Congressionally commissioned fatigue studies and sent your stories that helped us achieve this law. You called, rallied, and wrote letters. Congress heard you and together we got the lawmakers to act. Comments on the rule making the FAA is conducting will only serve to slow the process. AFA will coordinate with other unions to provide unified comments that focus on implementing the 10 hours rest as soon as possible.