AFA Urges Congress to Pass FAA Reauthorization

AFA Urges Congress to Pass FAA Reauthorization

May 3, 2024—Last week, the House and Senate Committee leadership reached a bipartisan agreement to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The agreement addresses key concerns and moves the FAA in the correct direction on staffing and oversight of our industry. It also rejects poison pills that would harm workers and make our system less safe.

Our union urges Congress to pass the FAA reauthorization before the May 10 deadline without delay so the FAA has the resources and authority it needs to keep America flying. This is about our job security too. We can’t fly without air traffic controllers and safety inspectors. We need Congress to pass authorization of the FAA with proper funding for staffing, training, infrastructure and modernization. And we need it yesterday! We also need to lock in Flight Attendant work and safety provisions that we successfully got in the bill too.

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