Celebrating International Trans Day of Visibility
A message from AFA International Vice President Keturah Johnson.
Today, March 31, 2023, we celebrate International #TransDayOfVisibility, by standing with millions of people in America who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex, and call for all such people to be treated with the respect and dignity everyone deserves.
As affirmed by the AFA-CWA Board of Directors’ 2018 Resolution, we know "Transgender people are our beloved members, family members and friends, and our valued flying partners. What harms transgender people harms us. AFA calls for respect and transparency in policy-making, and for equality under the law for transgender people."
As the first queer woman of color elected to AFA-CWA International Office, I feel personally driven to carry out this demand and I’m proud to serve with AFA officers who share in this mission. Pride at Work is an organization that brings union members from across the labor movement together to advance this mission in every workspace. Trans visibility has been at the core of Pride at Work’s efforts for more than 25 years. I’m proud to serve on the Pride at Work national executive board representing AFA-CWA.
Today, trans people and especially children face vicious discrimination. Lawmakers in states across the country have passed bills that have eliminated trans people's rights. While we celebrate and affirm our trans siblings, today and every day, we must also remain vigilant in our fight for trans rights and protect our trans siblings.
Tragically, our union lost a Flight Attendant just this month. Based in Denver, Kayleigh was featured in United Airlines' 2020 Trans Day of Visibility campaign. She made all of us proud. We will work every day to continue her efforts to express joy in being able to freely express who we are, celebrate our different backgrounds, experiences, and all of the diversity that makes our union strong.
But today, International #TransDayOfVisibility is about being seen exactly as you are. We will join a youth-led march for queer & trans youth autonomy today in Washington, D.C. There are marches happening across the country today and this weekend. Find information about a march near you.
We are at a critical time for trans & queer rights and we know organized labor has an important role to play!
AFA EAP is always available at 800-424-2406 and is a confidential resource available to all AFA Members, their families and their partners.
With Pride and In Solidarity,
Keturah Johnson
AFA-CWA International Vice President
Learn more about Pride at Work or become a member at prideatwork.org.