Congress Expected to Begin Votes on #ReliefNow Today
December 20, 2020 — IT'S HAPPENING! The bipartisan emergency COVID relief deal expected to be announced by Congressional leadership on Sunday will included an extension to the Payroll Support Program. Votes in the House and the Senate could come as early as this evening, but may spill into Monday.
WATCH: AFA President Sara Nelson on MSNBC this afternoon >
KEEP CALLING. Keep calling until the votes are done and the bill is signed into law. Extending the Payroll Support Program helps every Flight Attendant and aviation worker no matter your current status. PSP will help conditions on the job and gives us a solid foundation to fight forward in the New Year.
SENATE: 888-848-4824
HOUSE: 888-907-9365
"Hello, I am a constituent calling to tell my (Senator/Representative) to vote today FOR emergency COVID relief with an extension of the Payroll Support Program. We are out of work and without healthcare. Do not leave Washington, D.C. without passing emergency relief for our families. Get it done. Thank you.”
We helped get desperately needed relief to tens of millions of Americans. The full bill includes $15 Billion for our Payroll Support Program (PSP):
- Recalls everyone with no interruption to seniority - all rights and protections from Oct 1 as if never furloughed.
- Ensures pay December 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021 with no furloughs, no reduction to hourly rates
- Restores service to communities and supports vaccine distribution
- Extends the cap on executive compensation and ban on stock buybacks
- Remember this bill is emergency relief—Biden plans for a “stimulus” recovery bill in the New Year
We will continue to provide updates on the bill.
Quick AFA Info
- AFA EAP is always available at 800-424-2406.
- AFA COVID Exposure/Test-Positive Reporting Form
- Remain Vigilant During Holiday Travel Season
- The AFL-CIO has set up an unemployment state resource page. Select your state to find the resources, programs and benefits available in your area to assist you during this crisis.