Congress to Vote on Federal Aviation Administration Extension

Congress to Vote on FAA Extension

July 11, 2016 — Congress has agreed on an FAA extension, which will keep the agency funded and running through September 30, 2017. This is a “bridge” FAA Reauthorization Bill, in addition to funding the agency, there are several new safety and policy issues in this extension. A vote on the extension is expected early next week and is expected to pass. 

Obstructionists in Congress ignored important and necessary safety measures including our call to increase minimum rest requirement and implementing a fatigue risk management plan for Flight Attendants. AFA International President Sara Nelson sent a letter to Congressional Transportation leaders:

“Loopholes in aviation safety are dangerous and it is unacceptable that another year will go by without correcting this critical safety provision. Flight Attendants are aviation’s first responders. We are entrusted with the safety, health and security of passengers on a daily basis. We will continue to fight to ensure we have adequate rest periods that cannot be arbitrarily reduced. This aviation safety shortfall can wait no longer to be fixed.”

Congress did recognize our efforts to be 100,000 Eyes in the Skies. Airlines will be required by law to provide human trafficking awareness training for Flight Attendants and other aviation workers. 

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