Does Your Representative or Senator Support the PSP Extension?
August 19, 2020 — Flight Attendants and aviation workers do not accept inaction from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Congress. We need #ReliefNow and to #ExtendPSP. An overwhelming majority of Congress supports an extension to the Payroll Support Program for aviation workers to avoid massive job loss in October. We need a COVID-19 relief package with our payroll support passed TODAY.
Does your Representative or Senator support our PSP Extension? Find out below and take action. If they're not on the list, call your Representative or Senators and urge them to support our jobs. Tell our supporters that we need them to fight for us and get back to Washington to get a deal.
- A bipartisan majority of 223 Representatives in the House went on record to support a clean extension of our PSP, stating "...passenger demand for air travel will not recover before the PSP expires. And without an extension, hundreds of thousands of airline workers will be furloughed.” Check to see if your Representative supports a PSP extension >
- 16 Republican Senators joined all Senate Democrats to “support a clean extension of payroll support for passenger air carrier employees included in the Cares Act to avoid furloughs and further support those workers.” View the Republican Senate Letter >
- The President also endorsed the extension: "If they’re looking at [extending the Payroll Support Program], whether they’re Republican or Democrat, I’d certainly be in favor."
Everyone agrees on PSP. We don't accept inaction. We need Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to negotiate with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and get a deal for all Americans including aviation workers TODAY. We can’t wait. We need #ReliefNow.
SENATE: 888-848-4824
HOUSE: 888-907-9365
"Hello, I am a constituent calling to ask my Senator/Representative to save my job as an essential worker and airline employee. An overwhelming majority of Congress supports an extension to the Payroll Support Program for aviation workers to avoid massive job loss in October and also to ensure there’s no cancellation of service to small communities. We need a COVID-19 relief package with our payroll support passed TODAY. Our jobs are on the line right now and millions are hurting without this relief! Keep us connected to our jobs, paychecks, & healthcare. We are counting on you. Thank you.”