Take Action: Call your Representative and tell them to Support the PUMP Act!
October 20, 2021 - We are close to gaining federal rights for nursing mothers at work.
Thanks to your advocacy and your willingness to speak out about the challenges of returning to work and pumping breast milk for newborns, we worked with other aviation unions to include language in H.R. 3110, the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act, to guarantee Flight Attendants and Pilots the right to pump at work, as well as space to express milk.
The U.S. House of Representatives is voting on H.R. 3110 this Friday, and we have built bipartisan support for this bill. But, we must raise our voices and make sure there is a strong, bipartisan vote in favor of passage. Right now the bill includes airline employees, but some airline management is pushing to exclude Flight Attendants and airline workers. There's no reason to exclude us, especially with the realistic language around the realities of the aircraft cabin.
Call your Representative in the House at 1-888-701-7165 and tell them to vote YES on H.R. 3110.