ITF Cabin Crew Committee: Supporting Hong Kong Protestors
CONSIDERING THAT: On 21st August, Cathay’s Dragon Air dismissed Ms. Rebecca Sy (Chairperson of our affiliate – HK Dragon Airlines Flight Attendants Association) in a meeting based on screenshots of a personal social media account. In this meeting, Ms. Sy only confirmed that the account was hers, and the company gave no reason for her dismissal. Since the beginning of August there has been consistent dismissals by management similar to this. To date another 21 aviation workers have been dismissed.
CONSIDERING THAT: The ITF supports the view that workers should enjoy the right to peaceful demonstration without fear of reprisals from their employer. The ITF also believes that ability for workers to earn a living wage and engage in decent work should not be impeded by exercising their right to peacefully demonstrate on social issues.
CONSIDERING THAT the Hong Kong Cabin Crew Federation (HKCCF) is now campaigning for the immediate reinstatement of Ms. Sy and other dismissed aviation workers, all victims of politically motivated dismissal. Further, they are demanding the immediate cessation of all related persecutions of civil aviation workers.
This Cabin Crew Committee requests that the Civil Aviation Section Committee:
• Strongly support the right to peaceful demonstration of ITF Civil Aviation affiliates in Hong Kong.
• Warn the Civil Aviation Administration of China that all actions against the ICAO policy of Just Culture that could prevent non-punitive reporting systems being effective could led to high possibilities of being the main factor in an accident where our members and the passengers could lose their lives.
• Call on Dragon Air -part of Cathay Pacific Group- to immediately reinstate the dismissed aviation workers from the company.
• Request the Secretariat to call on all our affiliates to send an expression of solidarity and a letter to Cathay Pacific demanding the immediate reinstatement of Ms. Rebecca Sy and other victimised staff (Circular 193/CA/2019 has already been sent) immediately.
• Create a fund to support those sacked aviation workers and mitigate the hardship that has arisen from their dismissals.