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CWA Sisters and Brothers on Strike at Frontier Communications

CWA Sisters and Brothers on Strike at Frontier Communications

March 8, 2018 — We are on strike at Frontier Communications! Our CWA Sisters and Brothers at Frontier Communications, 1400 strong, in West Virginia and in Ashburn, VA, are fighting for a fair contract and to keep good jobs right here where we live. We stand with them and call on AFA members to find a picket line to walk in support.

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AFA Calls on FAA to Respond to Opioid Overdoses Onboard

AFA Calls on FAA to Respond to Opioid Overdoses Onboard

February 23, 2018

The Honorable Daniel K. Elwell Acting Administrator
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Avenue SW, Room 1010 Washington, DC 20591

Dear Administrator Elwell:

Opioid overdose deaths continue to increase in the United States, with six out of ten drug overdose deaths now involving an opioid. Passenger medical emergencies have and will continue to include opioid overdoses. Unfortunately, passengers may die from opioid overdoses on airplanes from the sheer lack of access to naloxone. Therefore, we urge the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to utilize its existing authority immediately to issue regulations requiring that the Emergency Medical Kits (EMK) carried by passenger airlines include naloxone nasal spray to treat opioid overdoses.

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AFA Supports West Virginia Teachers

AFA Supports West Virginia Teachers

March 4, 2018

Christine Campbell, President AFT-West Virginia
Dale Lee, President WV Education Association
Linda Thompson, President WV School Service Personnel Association

Dear Sisters and Brother:

The 50,000 members of the Association of Flight Attendants – CWA, AFL-CIO, stand in solidarity with you as you fight for a fair contract. Your strike is our strike! In response to a communication to our members on your struggle, one Flight Attendant said, “they are bravely supporting the pay and working conditions of workers across America!”

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West Virginia Teachers Give a Lesson in Union Power

West Virginia Teachers Give a Lesson in Union Power

Originally published in The New York Times on March 2, 2018

Before he puts his name to a Supreme Court opinion that is expected to eviscerate public-sector unions, Justice Samuel Alito Jr. should visit West Virginia.

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Sexual Harassment Survey

Take the Sexual Harassment Survey

A national discussion on sexual assault and sexual harassment is taking place - and now is the time to do everything we can to eradicate this from our workplace. As AFA wrote in a recent Op-Ed in The Washington Post, "Our union was formed to give women a voice and to beat back discrimination and misogyny faced on the job. We defined our careers at the bargaining table, in the courts and on Capitol Hill." But the industry never denounced that era and it is time to stamp it out for good. No more "Coffee, Tea, or Me."

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Flight attendants and passengers call for clearer policies around sexual assault on planes

Flight attendants and passengers call for clearer policies around sexual assault on planes

Originally published by PBS NewsHour on February 11, 2018

In 2017, the FBI investigated 63 allegations of sexual assault on airplanes, with several public figures speaking out about their own experiences. But no database tracks these incidents, and airlines are not required to report them to the federal government. Meanwhile, cabin crew report that training on how to handle harassment and assault is inadequate. NewsHour Weekend's Megan Thompson reports.

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‘It’s pervasive, it’s every day’ — How a history of sexism in the airline industry echoes today

‘It’s pervasive, it’s every day’ — How a history of sexism in the airline industry echoes today

Originally published by PBS NewsHour on February 11, 2018

Sara Nelson said she got her initial lesson on sexism in the airline industry during one of her first days on the job, when a fellow flight attendant told her, ”No one is going to have respect for you other than your other flying partners. The management here thinks of you as their wives or their mistresses, and they hold you in contempt.”

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