AFA EAP: Protecting Yourself from Sexual Violence
AFA EAP: Protecting Yourself from Sexual Violence
Flight Attendants, male and female are not immune from the risks of violence- including sexual assaults. Consider the following statistics on rapes and attempted rapes from the Department of Justice:
Harvard Flight Attendant Health Study at O'Hare This Weekend
The Harvard Flight Attendant Health Study is in the midst of its third wave of participant recruitment for the study. The researchers are able to reach many Flight Attendants who previously participated via email, but they are also looking to recruit participants at airports throughout the country. This also allows Flight Attendants to meet the researchers face to face and ask questions in person. If you are not yet familiar with their work or this ongoing study that AFA has encouraged since they started in 2007 go to:
Read more »Where Did Your Pay Raise Go? It May Have Become a Bonus
Where Did Your Pay Raise Go? It May Have Become a Bonus
Originally published in the New York Times in February 10, 2018
The recent stock market rumpus has been set off in part by fears that a tight labor market and quickening wage growth are a foretaste of higher inflation and interest rates. But sustained raises for American workers may be possible only if employers can break a habit: handing out one-time bonuses in place of salary increases.
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World's First Black Flight Attendant Honored
Originally published by NBC News (March 26, 2015)
Léopoldine Doualla-Bell Smith vividly remembers her first flight at the tender age of 17.
“I was yelling and screaming and [the other flight attendant] was telling me to calm down,” she recalls, laughing at the memory of the first time she’d experienced soaring amid the clouds in an airplane. “I kept thinking, ‘what if I die?’”
Read more »U.S. State Department to Announce Understanding with Qatar
U.S. State Department to Announce Understanding with Qatar
AFA Interactive: January 29, 2018
Media outlets reported yesterday that the U.S. Government and Qatar have reached a diplomatic understanding: "Qatar is expected to agree on Tuesday to release detailed financial information about its state-owned Qatar Airways, U.S. State Department officials said late on Sunday, a move that follows pressure from U.S. airlines for it to disclose any potential subsidies it has received." Reuters report >
Read more »Qatar to agree to new financial disclosures for state owned-airline: U.S. officials
Qatar to agree to new financial disclosures for state owned-airline: U.S. officials
Originally published in Reuters on January 28, 2018
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Qatar is expected to agree on Tuesday to release detailed financial information about its state-owned Qatar Airways, U.S. State Department officials said late on Sunday, a move that follows pressure from U.S. airlines for it to disclose any potential subsidies it has received.
Read more »Support LGBTQ Flight Attendants! Join Pride @ Work
Support LGBTQ Flight Attendants! Join Pride @ Work
Will you help build power for LGBTQ working people by joining Pride @ Work? These next three years will be crucial for LGBTQ rights. Studies show recent attacks on equality have led to half of the country stating that it is okay to discriminate against people for who they are or who they love.
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