Exclusive: Top airlines offer to re-assign crew from Zika-hit routes
Originally published on Reuters by Jeffrey Dastin
Major U.S. airlines United, Delta and American and Europe's Lufthansa and Air France are offering to re-assign certain flight crew concerned about contracting the Zika virus from routes to affected countries.
Read more »How United Airlines Got To Its Sorry State
How United Airlines Got To Its Sorry State, And Why It Can't Take Off Again
More than five years after the everyone-but-the-media-saw-it-coming disaster that is the merger of United and Continental airlines, big business media is switching gears.
Read more »Tired of Talk? Increased Rest Now!
Tired of Talk? Increased Rest Now!
Seven Flight Attendant fatigue studies commissioned by Congress: All conclude the best way to combat fatigue is to get more rest. The last thing Flight Attendants need is more studies, more talking about how to tackle fatigue. We're tired of talk. We need rest already.
Read more »Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
During this busiest time of the year for airline travel, Flight Attendants play an integral role in bringing families and friends together. Many of us sacrifice our own holiday to ensure the safety and comfort of millions of passengers. Aviation's first responders do this job 365 days a year with professional grace, resiliency and bravery.
Frontier Flight Attendants Protest Offensive Sick Leave Policy
Frontier Flight Attendants Protest Offensive Sick Leave Policy
Last month, Frontier Airlines President Barry Biffle (also known for his role as former Vice President of Spirit Airlines) announced his heavy-handed policy changes to use of sick leave.
South Carolina Flood Disaster Relief
We know that disasters can change lives forever. While we can’t stop destructive events from happening, we can, as a Union, assist our members with their recovery. AFA established the disaster relief fund after September 11th to assist our members whose lives were placed in harms way.
Read more »Celebrating AFA-CWA Founder's Day
Celebrating AFA-CWA Founder's Day - Oct 1, 2015
The 2013 AFA-CWA Board of Directors moved to recognize our Flight Attendant and Union history by establishing AFA-CWA Founders' Day.