Breeze Flight Attendants Vote Overwhelmingly to Join the Flight Attendant Union
Union organizing wins continue in the South
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 7, 2024) — Breeze Airways Flight Attendants voted 76.3% to join the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA) in an election certified today by the National Mediation Board (NMB). AFA continues the wave of union organizing in the south with Flight Attendants based in the least unionized state of South Carolina and Florida, Louisiana, Utah, and Virginia - all in the bottom ten.
Read more »AFA President Sara Nelson on Mass Arrest of Anti-War Protestors
Washington, D.C. (May 3, 2024) — Following the arrests of students and professors at universities across the country, AFA International President Sara Nelson released the following statement:
Read more »Flight Attendant Union Calls on Congress to Pass FAA Reauthorization
Washington, D.C (May 1, 2024) —The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA) released the following statement from International President Sara Nelson following the news that the House and Senate have reached a bipartisan agreement to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Read more »Safety and Comfort for Crew in the Area of Conflict in the Middle East
April 14, 2024 — We have been working to ensure all crew stationed within the area of conflict in the Middle East are safe. As of a short time ago we can confirm all known AFA members who were within areas of concern are now out or within safe airspace.
Read more »United Flight Attendants Picket For Improved Wages, Contract at Airports Across the Country As Executive Comp Skyrockets
CHICAGO (April 11, 2024) — Today, United Flight Attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), demonstrated at 17 airports worldwide to demand United executives stop the delay tactics and reach a fair contract. The latest action from Flight Attendants comes on the heels of United Executives receiving double-digit compensation increases in 2023, according to the airlines’ proxy statement. The CEO’s compensation alone increased by 90%.
Read more »Frontier Flight Attendants Demand Negotiations and Officially Notice Management of Railway Labor Act Dispute Caused by Airline's Drastic Business Model Change
DENVER (April 3, 2024) — Frontier Flight Attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), today officially notified Frontier management of a dispute under the Railway Labor Act caused by management’s plans for an overhaul of the airline’s business model. The dispute requires Frontier Airlines management to negotiate over the airline’s drastic and economically harmful change for Flight Attendants under the entirely new business model. Management has announced it intends to shift operational scheduling to over 90% one-day turns which would drastically impact the compensation, out of pocket costs, and time at work without additional pay. The current collective bargaining agreement does not properly address the effect of this business model change.
Read more »Flight Attendants at Omni Air International Vote to Authorize a Strike
Flight Attendants vote to authorize strike on the heels of management proposals that would leave them near the bottom of industry pay
Washington, D.C. (February 29, 2024) —Flight Attendants at Omni Air International overwhelmingly voted 100% to authorize a strike, with 91% participating.
Read more »New national labor network formed to “end the death and devastation” in the Israel-Hamas war
National Labor Network for Ceasefire aims to further expand unprecedented ceasefire support.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 16, 2024) — Seven national unions and over two hundred local unions today announce the formation of the National Labor Network for Ceasefire (NLNC) to “end the death and devastation” in the Middle East, and to expand support for the ceasefire among unions nationally.
Read more »Endeavor Air Flight Attendants Picket, Call Out the Delta Disparity Difference
Atlanta (February 14, 2024) —Today, Endeavor Air Flight Attendants represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA picketed outside Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and Delta headquarters to call out the “Delta Disparity Difference” and demand recognition for the role they play at the regional carrier wholly-owned and operated by Delta. Endeavor is as an integral part of Delta’s network.
Read more »Flight Attendants Take Historic Action Together for Fair Contracts Covering 100,000 Crewmembers
Flight Attendants from multiple airlines and three unions rally at more than 30 airports worldwide for record contracts
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — Today, thousands of Flight Attendants from Alaska, Air Wisconsin, United, American, Southwest, Frontier and more, picketed outside more than 30 airports worldwide.
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