Participate in the Online Harvard Flight Attendant Health Survey
July 31, 2017 — Anyone remember completing a Flight Attendant health survey back in 2007?
Researchers at Harvard University were working to better understand how Flight Attendants’ working conditions impact health. The response from our membership was strong and that first round of data showed that particular health conditions (like reproductive cancers and fatigue) were clearly elevated.
In 2015, the survey was distributed again, and the summary responses to those surveys have been submitted to a journal for publication. To date, then, more than 16,000 surveys have been completed – in strict confidence, without any connection to airline management, and without sharing any identifying information – about Flight Attendants’ working conditions and health.
The website link to the survey is now active, so whether you are a current or former Flight Attendant, and whether you have participated in an earlier round or not, AFA encourages you to take the time to complete the online survey. It is confidential, and the information and insights you provide will help this research group to better understand the health of our work group. You can also review this research team flyer and read more information on the research.