Privatization Is a Sham! Call Congress to Save the People's Post Office
November 16, 2018 – Airlines carry the mail to communities throughout our country. We depend on this revenue, route network, and affordable delivery, including medication, for our jobs and our families.
The United States Postal Service, just like Medicare and Social Security, is under attack. The Postal Service operates, by law, on earned revenue for its operations. But in 2006, Congress put in place the retiree healthcare pre-funding mandate for future obligations, something no other U.S. entity, public or private, is required to do.
Now, the Trump Administration is attempting to demolish the People’s Post Office with a plan to privatize. We have to fight back. Call Congress at 202-224-3121, to tell them No Privatization of the U.S. Post Office or any of the services the people of this country count on and have earned.