Protections Secured for Flight Attendants in the Alaska-Hawaiian Merger

August 15, 2024 —The Department of Justice is expected to make a decision on the Alaska-Hawaiian Merger by August 20, 2024, pending another extension. In advance of the merger announcement it is extremely important to lock in protections for Flight Attendants during a transition to operational integration, and we have good news to report on this.

Our union negotiated and finalized a Merger Transition Process Agreement (MTA) with Alaska and Hawaiian Airlines management, providing critical job protections during the merger transition and operational integration. The Agreement was approved unanimously by both Master Executive Councils (MECs), locking in specific protections summarized in this communication.

There’s no doubt we all have a lot of emotions surrounding this merger no matter the legacy airline. We know that change will come; but, we will seek to preserve our airlines’ cultures as we thoughtfully and carefully navigate the merger into one carrier with two brands. And, we will use our solidarity to get the best possible conditions, pay, and benefits for Flight Attendants so that we are benefiting like any other stakeholder.

We secured the following protections should the merger receive regulatory approval. These protections remain in place throughout the transition to combine both Flight Attendant groups into a single operation once other systems are integrated.

In summary, the agreement includes:

  • No involuntary furloughs or displacements due to the merger, or any transfer of flying or aircraft.

  • Between merger financial close date (shortly following regulatory approval) and until a Single Operating Certificate being achieved, neither airline will open or close a Flight Attendant domicile where the other airline has a Flight Attendant domicile. This also ensures Los Angeles remains a base at both airlines.

  • Protection of “me too” provisions with Hawaiian ALPA with respect to code share agreements.

  • No operational merger of Flight Attendant groups until a joint collective bargaining agreement (JCBA) is negotiated and ratified by the combined Hawaiian and Alaska members, along with the implementation schedule that is included in the JCBA.

  • Commitment to follow the AFA Constitution and Bylaws process for combining the seniority lists by date-of-hire.

  • The company shall provide all necessary documentation to conduct AFA’s seniority integration process (all Flight Attendants maintain seniority accrued at their respective airlines, only with an adjustment to harmonize seniority accrual start related to initial Flight Attendant training). The integrated list shall not be provided to the company until Flight Attendants ratify a JCBA, and the joint contract becomes effective.

  • There will be no “system flush” or bumping of any Flight Attendant as a result of implementing the combined seniority list.

  • Affirmation that each respective Flight Attendant contract remains in effect until a JCBA is ratified by the combined Flight Attendant group and according to the implementation schedule negotiated in the JCBA.

  • Commitment to follow the AFA Constitution and Bylaws process for negotiating the JCBA, including implementing improvements for Flight Attendants as soon as possible. (AFA’s procedures include equal representation on the Negotiating Committee and a process to preserve bargaining history as we seek to combine contracts to the greatest benefit of Flight Attendants.)

  • Requirement to reimburse AFA for all expenses related to merger representation to ensure member’s dues are not spent to facilitate the company’s merger plans and to make sure Local and MEC budgets are fully funded for continued daily representation.

  • Requirements on the company for attention to Flight Attendant negotiations and maintenance of records pertaining to negotiations mutually controlled by the union and the company.

  • Separate operations with Flight Attendant staffing tied to respective aircraft designated at the time of the merger as Alaska and Hawaiian respective operations. This protects current jobs and maintains interest for management to reach a joint agreement.

  • New hire Flight Attendants obtain all of the contractual and seniority rights afforded under the contract designated for their hiring by Hawaiian or Alaska prior to operational integration, and the JCBA thereafter.

  • Protection of jumpseat—if a jump-seat qualified, non-Flight Attendant, occupies the Flight Attendant jumpseat(s) for merger-related business, a seat or seats will be provided to Flight Attendants who would have otherwise utilized those jumpseats.

  • AFA Safety, in line with current practice, will have an integral role in the discussions with the FAA and the company on the merger of safety protocols.

  • Acknowledgement of AFA Hawaiian Board seat and protections equal to the pilots for maintaining this Board position.

While this process moves forward, essential provisions already in the Alaska and Hawaiian Contracts and this MTA will provide safeguards that keep the groups protected and maintain as much normalcy as possible. Negotiations for a contract at Alaska will continue separately according to the Railway Labor Act. We will seek improvements needed for Alaska Flight Attendants which will provide a higher starting point for JCBA negotiations.

Mergers are never easy, but we have secured critical protections for both Flight Attendant groups. If the merger is approved we will communicate a great deal more about next steps. Above all, we will all do better through our solidarity. Stay close to union communications, fly safe, and as always look out for each other. We are stronger and better together.


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