AFA members are fanning out across Capitol Hill today, urging members of Congress to stop Norwegian Air International (NAI) from undercutting U.S. aviation workers’ jobs and our airlines by denying the NAI application for a foreign air carrier permit to fly in the United States.
Approval of the NAI application would severely undercut U.S. airlines by creating a competitive disadvantage for transatlantic flying. It would also set a harmful precedent that would undermine the rules that maintain aviation safety and U.S. jobs.
AFA stands against NAI’s attempts to undercut our jobs and set a dangerous precedent for U.S. airlines. We will not give up the fight until the Department of Transportation (DOT) closes the door on NAI permanently.
Join your flying partners today by asking your members of Congress to deny the NAI application.
TAKE ACTION and CALL TODAY! Then follow up on Twitter (see below)!
Please add your elected officials (Two U.S. Senators and one U.S. Representative) to your phone book to use for future calls.
Sample scripts have been provided that you can tailor to suit your own style.
Senate Calls
Find your two U.S. Senators>
Or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask to be connected to your Senator, then follow the sample script below:
NOTE: You have two Senators, so this step will need to be repeated.
“Hello, my name is _____ and I am calling from (city/state). The House unanimously passed an amendment to the Transportation Appropriations bill which requires the DOT to adhere to U.S. law and trade agreements when considering a foreign air carrier permit. Norwegian Air International’s application violates both. I ask the Senator to include this provision in any end of the year funding legislation. Thank you.”
House Calls
Find your Representative>
Or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask to be connected to your Representative, then follow the sample script below:
“Hello, my name is _____ and I am calling from (city/state) to ask for help to protect my job and U.S. aviation . Please ask Representative _________to sign the letter being circulated by Representatives Collins and Sires. The letter calls for DOT denial of the Norwegian Air International foreign air carrier permit. The timing of this letter is critical as the U.S. and EU are meeting on November 25 to discuss NAI’s application. The letter deadline is Friday, November 21. Thank you.”
Calling your elected officials is easy. Your phone call will most likely be answered by an intern who will mark your request on a tally sheet. Any item that receives multiple calls in a short period of time gets priority status so please make this call today.
To members of Congress working to protect U.S. #aviation safety and security regs, AFA appreciates your support to #DenyNAI #finishthejob
AFA supports the bipartisan letter circulated by Rep. Collins & Rep. Sires urging @SecretaryFoxx to #DenyNAI #finishthejob
AFA is committed to sound aviation policy that keeps the playing field even and our Flight Attendant jobs competitive #denyNAI #finishthejob