TAKE ACTION: Urge Congress to Support the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act

TAKE ACTION: Urge Congress to Support the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act 

April 18, 2023 - You’ve heard from a flying partner, seen videos on the news, or even had an incident on your own flight. Disruptive and violent behavior onboard is out of hand.

As Flight Attendants, we are charged with the safety and security of everyone onboard. When disruptions happen, it not only risks the safety of the crew involved, it takes away from our ability to respond to a medical, safety, or security emergency.

AFA Frontier Flight Attendant Cher Taylor recently shared her disruptive passenger incident during a press conference introducing the Abusive Passengers Act on Capitol Hill.

Today, we’re joining CWA Passenger Service Agents and other aviation unions to call on our Members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor the Protection from Disruptive Passengers Act.

This legislation would provide another important tool to crack down on offenders convicted of physical or sexual assault or intimidation of the flight crew or fellow passengers onboard an aircraft or at the airport. Right now, a passenger can be fined or convicted, and may be banned on an individual airline – but that does not prevent this violent offender from flying another airline.

Violent offenders convicted of assaulting flight crew—including flight attendants, pilots, and crew members—onboard an aircraft could be placed on a commercial banned passenger list that would be managed by TSA.

Call your Members of Congress today

This is a sample script. Feel free to add your own personal story about disruptive passenger incidents.

"Hello Representative/Senator _____, I am a constituent and a (Flight Attendant, Passenger Service Agent, Frequent Traveler, or concerned constituent). It’s time to take action to stop disruptive behavior at our airports and on planes. The Protection from Abusive Passengers Act will serve as a strong deterrent against bad behavior and is needed to improve the safety of frontline aviation crews, agents, and passengers to minimize disruptions to aviation and restore confidence in air travel. I urge you to cosponsor this legislation today.”

Thank you for taking action. Share with your flying partners. Together, we can make our jobs and skies safer.


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