Update on Our PSP Extension Fight

Update on Our PSP Extension Fight

August 14, 2020 — Flight Attendants and other aviation workers will not accept inaction from Congress. Even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has recessed the Senate, both he and Speaker Pelosi have stated they will bring Congress back to vote if an overall COVID-19 relief deal is reached. Congressional staff is still working and leadership is still able to meet.

We have to continue to demand a relief package now. "When you say Congress does nothing, you give them permission to do nothing and that’s not okay.”

WATCH AFA on The Today Show: Flight Attendant Jobs are in Jeopardy, Congress Needs to Take Action Now >

Your calls, emails, and tweets have worked. We have built broad bipartisan support for our Payroll Support Program (PSP) Extension from the House of Representatives, to the Senate, and even the President. Read this summary >

But our PSP extension won’t happen unless an overall deal is reached. We must keep pushing on Plan A (PSP Extension), even as our MECs work on Plan B ("voluntary" programs to minimize the impact on our jobs). Regardless, we've got to get the extension locked in because it is the best way to protect our jobs, keep our airlines intact, continue serving all of our communities, and have the ability to recover once the virus is contained.

Flight Attendants have seen crises before and this time we know the importance of preventing bankruptcies and other fallout. That is why we will not stop.  


SENATE: 888-848-4824

HOUSE: 888-907-9365

Sample Script:
"Hello, I am a constituent calling to ask my Senator/Representative to save my job as an essential worker and airline employee. An overwhelming majority of Congress supports an extension to the Payroll Support Program for aviation workers to avoid massive job loss in October and also to ensure there’s no cancellation of service to small communities. We need a COVID-19 relief package with our payroll support passed TODAY. Our jobs are on the line right now and millions are hurting without this relief! Keep us connected to our jobs, paychecks, & healthcare. We are counting on you. Thank you.”

After you call, sign this letter to your Representative and Senators >

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