Make Sure Your Vote is Cast and Counted
October 27, 2020 — Aviation is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world and the U.S. President and their administration can have drastic effects on our jobs, our safety and health, and our industry as a whole. We work with government every single day. That’s not politics, it’s just reality and the President of the United States makes a big difference to our jobs, or the appointment of people who oversee the regulations, policies, world-wide relationships, and oversight of nearly every aspect of our work lives, contract bargaining, and operation of aviation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role government plays in ensuring the safety and security of the airline industry, our health both on the job and off, the relations with the rest of the world that give us the freedom to fly and compete in a global market, and the conditions under which we negotiate.
The AFA Board of Directors endorsed the election of Vice President Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, based on the actions and policies that directly affect our jobs.
Our union never tells members how to vote, but we do provide this endorsement as information for AFA members as part of our responsibility to Flight Attendants as we work to protect and advance our careers. We encourage first and foremost participation in our democracy. When Flight Attendants vote we demonstrate that our representatives should be responsive to us. Make sure you vote.
There are 7 days until Election Day and more than 60 million Americans have already cast their votes. Due to COVID-19 and Flight Attendant schedules, Flight Attendants should make a plan to vote - early, by mail, or in-person on Election Day. Stick to your plan and make sure your vote is cast and counted.
- Determine how you will vote. Most states have expanded early voting or voting by mail this year due to COVID.
- Learn the issues and check what is on the ballot.
The next President will make important decisions that could reshape the face of aviation and labor rights. The President appoints and directs the work of agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation (DOT) which directly oversee our jobs and industry.
We will need the FAA and DOT to implement our 10 hours of rest which became law in 2018, establish a COVID-19 aviation task force, install secondary barriers, protect against flags of convenience that would outsource our jobs, evacuation standards, and more. We need strong labor advocates on the National Mediation Board to oversee our negotiations and right to strike. We need DHS to continue ensure the Known Crewmember Program, a strong federal TSA workforce, and continue our fight to stop human trafficking in aviation.
How did we get our #WorkersFirst Payroll Support Program? 80% union density in aviation and our engagement with Congress. While we fight to extend the Payroll Support Program, we must keep up our historic activism and vote in this election.
Get out and VOTE!