Presidential Election 2016

Dear AFA Member:

The choices you make in the November 8, 2016 general election will determine what we can achieve for working families and for our profession. We are counting on every AFA-CWA member to register to vote (or to verify that your voter registration is up-to-date), to learn which candidates support working family issues and, most importantly, that you vote!

Flight Attendants have a long history as a respected voice in Congress. Our elected representatives know we are organized in support of our profession. The keystone of that respect is our vote. By turning out in large numbers to vote in November 2016, Flight Attendants can help ensure that our voice will continue to be heard. 

We need a government that won’t silence our voice and supports our work. Your vote on November 8 may be the one that makes the difference in helping to put in place a pro-Flight Attendant environment in Washington. 

In Solidarity,

The AFA Political Legislative Policy Committee


Know Your Voter Rights

If you witness voter disruptions, you can seek assistance from the National non-partisan voter protection hotlines.

  • 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English language hotline
  • 888-Ve-Y-Vota (888-839-8682) – Bilingual English/Spanish language hotline 
  • 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Bilingual English/Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu and Tagalog 
  • #YallaVote Hotline - 844-418-1682 – Bilingual English/Arabic


Make Sure You're Ready to Vote

It is important that you verify your voter registration status. If you have moved or changed your name in the past two years, you may need to re-register to vote. 

Also, we know that many of you will be working away from home and your polling location on Election Day. To ensure your voice is heard, please plan to vote early or by absentee ballot. For more information on Flight Attendant friendly voting options, go to:

AFA in Action

AFA Members and staff all over the country will be working to engage voters and get them to the polls to elect candidates, who have a history of fighting for working people and will continue to do so once they’re elected. 

Join AFA International President Sara Nelson at the following labor walks or use this link to find an event near you: Join an event near you >

Charlotte, November 5
IBEW 379 Hall 
1900 Cross Beam Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217
10:00 AM

U.S. Presidential Election 2016

The AFA-CWA Board of Directors has voted to endorse the election of Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States. For decades, our union has actively engaged and encouraged Flight Attendants to build a political movement that transcends party lines - our political endorsements relate to Flight Attendant issues and our labor rights. Recognizing that no politician will ever do our work for us, we need to elect candidates who provide the best conditions for AFA-CWA to continue to press forward on the issues that matter to Flight Attendants, our families and the communities where we live and work. We do not tell anyone how to vote, but we encourage every member to exercise your right to vote and provide information about how the candidates and their platforms affect the issues important for our careers. Read more >

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