Celebrating Aviation’s First Responders!

Celebrating Aviation’s First Responders

May 31, 2021 — This Memorial Day, we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our military and their families - many among our own ranks as Flight Attendants. We rededicate ourselves to honoring their service by fighting for good jobs and healthy communities at home.

Today, May 31, is also International Flight Attendant Appreciation Day.

It’s been a challenging but important year for Flight Attendants and our country. As passengers return, our planes fill and our schedules build back, Flight Attendant solidarity is more important than ever to ensure that our profession and each of us are shown the respect we have earned.

The power we’ve built together was on full display this year. Even in the midst of the biggest crisis aviation has ever faced, we were able to lock in 16 months of job security, cap executive pay, ban stock buybacks, and made sure there would be no concessions. We also secured 8 contracts—gaining better wages, working conditions and benefits for Flight Attendants. We even secured a pre-hire agreement at Norse Airways that will welcome back AFA members to the skies, create opportunities for future members, and raise the bar with the highest starting pay in the industry. And right now, we’re fighting for a #ContractNow at Piedmont Airlines, where Flight Attendants have gone too long without a raise. Together we’ll raise standards at Piedmont too.

As we look forward, we’re making sure to strengthen our voice as Delta Flight Attendants organize to achieve AFA representation. We also must protect Flight Attendants around the world—ensuring that all crewmembers and communities have access to the vaccine in order to end the pandemic. Pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t have control over production and distribution of the vaccine for profit. As we face an exponential rise in unruly passengers, we’ve fought to extend the FAA’s zero-tolerance policy until our skies are friendly again. AFA EAP is always available at 800-424-2406.

We are so proud to be Flight Attendants alongside you—Happy Flight Attendant Appreciation Day!

In Solidarity,

Sara Nelson, International President
Debora Sutor, International Vice President
Kevin Creighan, International Secretary-Treasurer

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