Southern California Wildfires. Flight Attendants Need Our Help!
The wildfires across Los Angeles are devastating and the situation continues to evolve, including spread of the fires and connectivity outages. If you are in the area: stay safe and evacuate if advised by authorities.
Alaska-Hawaiian Merger Information
As your merger moves forward, so does your representation. Our AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws calls for the merger of the Master Executive Councils in order to address our issues with the power of one voice.
AFA Activists Meet with 119th Congress
AFA activists visited Congress on swear in day, January 3rd, to discuss key issues for our jobs. First and foremost, contract negotiations are at the top of the agenda and members of Congress can help provide oversight that protects our rights under the law.
AFA-CWA Elections Information
This site is your one-stop information center for all things regarding AFA-CWA elections
AFA in the News
Information is changing at a rapid pace. Stay up to date with the latest appearances of AFA in the news.