Association of Flight Attendants Scholarship Fund
The Association of Flight Attendants Scholarship Fund is intended to provide financial assistance to dependents of our members who will be attending a college or university.
Applications will not be considered unless they are complete with the following: |
Who Qualifies
A dependent of an AFA member in good standing who is seeking to further her/his education at an accredited college or university.
Any recipient may reapply for this scholarship each year until graduation up to a maximum of four years.
What Are the Guidelines and Application Requirements?
The Scholarship Fund has established some guidelines to be used by students when deciding whether or not to apply for this award. Applicants should:
1. Be ranked in the top 15% of their high school class;
2. Have, or expect to have, excellent SAT or ACT scores;
3. Be able to demonstrate financial need;
4. Write a 300 word essay; and
5. Provide all information required on the application form.
Due to the highly competitive nature of the program and the large number of applicants, students should carefully consider these criteria before submitting an application.
Who Distributes the Scholarship?
The Scholarship is managed and distributed through the Association of Flight Attendants Scholarship Fund Committee. AFA is the largest union in the United States representing flight attendants.
What Is the Purpose of the Scholarship?
To further the education of promising young men and women who are dependents of AFA members in good standing who otherwise would not have the opportunity for higher education.
When Is the Scholarship Given?
The money for tuition, room, board and reasonable book expense is sent directly to the college or university upon verification of enrollment in a degree program. The college or university must send invoices to AFA, which will then be paid by the Association of Flight Attendants Scholarship Fund. No funds shall be distributed directly to the recipient.
Where Do I Get An Application?
Applications can be downloaded here.
When Do I Apply?
Your application must be postmarked by April 10. Applications must be returned to the following address:
Association of Flight Attendants Scholarship Fund
P. O. Box 56
Hartwood, VA. 22471-0056
Other Scholarships
CWA Joe Beirne Foundation Scholarship
The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation was established in October 1974 by the Communications Workers of America Executive Board to honor the name and memory of the founding President of CWA, who served for more than 30 years. In his capacity as the first CWA President, Joe Beirne took great pride in the roles he played in the fields of education and learning and other areas of social concern.
The deadline for applications is April 30, 2025. Details >
Union Plus Scholarship Program
Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $5.0 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. Over 3,400 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation.
The deadline for applications is January 31, 2025. Details >