Human Rights & Equity

Human Rights & Equity

The AFA Human Rights and Equity Committee is committed to providing the broadest possible representation of our members regardless of age, disability, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression. We honor and celebrate the shared humanity of the members in our care. We shall at all times endeavor to promote the principles of tolerance, fairness, equity, justice, respect and inclusion within our Union. It is only when we all work together that we can tear down the walls of division and create a progressive culture that values social & economic justice for all working people.

The work of this Committee includes:

  • The ongoing study of matters related to the strengthening of our Union through the promotion of and support for economic, racial, and social justice equity for all workers;
  • Recommendations for participation by our MEC and LECs with minority, women’s, and LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual) community organizations and coalitions which aim to eliminate discrimination and racism;
  • Recommendations for creating safe spaces within our Union for people to share their personal experiences in relation to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, gender expression and political orientation so that we better understand each other and build our Union through our common struggles and goals, rather than allowing union busters to divide us by differences;
  • Recommendations for educational materials and resources relevant to civil and human rights issues that affect our Members and communities;
  • Recommendations on how to facilitate training around the issues of Human Rights and Equity; and
  • Developing a productive working relationship with the company to ensure they are committed to providing a safe and inclusive workplace for all Flight Attendants.
  • We are committed to supporting the local HRE Committees that have been created as well as assisting in the creation of a local HRE Committee at each Council. Our aim is to get everyone who wants to be a part of an HRE Committee involved, and by utilizing their individual skills, backgrounds, and passions, we can create a movement within our Union that is intersectional, reflecting the diversity of our workforce. We encourage Member participation through volunteering to start or support a local HRE Committee, providing us with your feedback and personal stories, attending future events and trainings, and spreading the word of this new Committee to fellow Union Members. We look forward to working on the issues of human rights and equity which are affecting our fellow Flight Attendants.


AFA Diversity and Inclusion Pins

The AFA pin is a symbol of our collective strength as Flight Attendants, our history and power. It tells the world that we are united by wings. It means that we are never alone! It means that we have the right to speak up and we will use our voices to beat back discrimination and press forward on the issues that matter to Flight Attendants today.

Diversity and Inclusion pins were a concept put forward by AFA members through AFA structure. We expect to hear from additional members who want to celebrate our diverse history, and we will take similar action when we do. 

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