February 22, 2021 - Due to the severity of the recent winter storms, Texas Flight Attendants and their families are dealing with food and water shortages, hypothermia, flooding, house damage and more.
President Biden signed a major disaster declaration for over 70 Texas counties. This triggers support from our Disaster Relief Fund, which operates from the generosity of other Flight Attendants and our supporters. We need your help now to make sure we can assist everyone hurting in Texas.
If you are a Flight Attendant living in one of these counties and has suffered significant damage and/or relocation as a result of this disaster, get help from the AFA-CWA Disaster Relief Fund>
If you'd like to help your flying partners recover from this disaster, Donate to the AFA-CWA Disaster Relief Fund >
AFA Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is also available to help Flight Attendants dealing with the ongoing storm in Texas. Call anytime at 800-424-2406.
Additionally, here are some helpful resources:
Local organizations are providing warming shelters and resources
Tips for staying warm when the power is out during a winter storm
The National Weather Service has compiled a list of winter resources that will help before, during, and after a winter storm: https://www.weather.gov/safety/winter
We are here for you.
In Solidarity,
Sara, Deb, and Kevin
AFA-CWA International Officers