Flight Attendant Unions Back TSA Multi-Layered Approach To Security Screening

Washington, DC – Flight Attendant Unions, representing nearly 90,000 Flight Attendants in the United States, issued support of recent Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announcements emphasizing the importance of risk-based security screenings. Veda Shook, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) International President; Laura Glading, Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) President; and Thom McDaniel, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 556 President today issued the following statement:

“As both first responders and the last line of defense, Flight Attendants are primary stakeholders in aviation security. Our Flight Attendant unions have consistently advocated for expedited screening of those who most frequently pass through airport security. We stress that this program must support TSA initiatives that highlight the importance of all crewmembers working as a security team for the safety of the crew and the traveling public.

“TSA’s recent announcement of a ‘Trusted Traveler’ program will complement the soon-to-be-released ‘Known Crew Member’ program which will identify authorized and trusted crewmembers at security screening checkpoints. The key to advancing aviation security is to focus on a multi-layered approach and TSA’s risk-based security screenings will play a vital role.

“We look forward to the successful roll-out of the Known Crewmember program for Pilots and Flight Attendants later this year and hope that it will provide an efficient example for the future Trusted Traveler program. As an integral part of aviation safety and security, Flight Attendants are key partners in the advancement of alternate screening systems.”

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants and the Transport Workers Union Local 556 together represent Flight Attendants at 25 airlines and the vast majority of cabin crewmembers in US aviation. Learn more about these unions at their respective websites: afacwa.org, apfa.org and twu556.org.

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