Frontier Flight Attendants Win Lawsuit & Right to Pump Breast Milk On Flights
April 15, 2022 - Frontier Airlines has settled a discrimination lawsuit brought by a group of flight attendants who claimed the carrier discriminated against them during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
The airline agreed to keep or change several policies to address the needs of pregnant and lactating personnel in settling the litigation, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, which represented the employees, announced Wednesday.
“I’m glad that flight attendants who want to breastfeed will be given the time and space to pump breast milk in a healthy, sanitary way,” said Melissa Hodgkins, a Frontier flight attendant who was part of the group who took the airline to court. “Future flight attendants won’t have to worry about how they are going to fit in pumping between flights or wonder where they will be able to pump safely. I gave up breastfeeding to provide for my family, and no one should have to make that choice again.”
Flight Attendants, pilots, and every working mother should have the right to pump at work. AFA is working with the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act Coalition to make that right a reality for Flight Attendants and nine million working mothers. Right now the bill – which has passed the House – includes airline employees, but some airline management is pushing to exclude Flight Attendants and airline workers. There's no reason to exclude us, especially with the realistic language around the realities of the aircraft cabin. Stay tuned for more.