Known Crewmember (KCM) Compliance

Known Crewmember (KCM) Compliance

August 9, 2023 — Known Crewmember is an alternate security screening for Flight Attendants and Pilots only. It works because we are trusted participants in aviation security. That breaks down completely if we fail to do our part and follow the rules of the program. At a minimum, random screenings will continue to increase unless we ensure crewmember compliance. At worst, the privilege we have with KCM will go away. We all have a responsibility to check the latest rules for KCM and follow them without exception.

From 2022 to 2023, the The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues to see an increase in the rate of KCM compliance violations in three main categories. Of particular concern are cases of crewmembers attempting to transport items through KCM portals for passengers who are not in the program, transport of personal firearms, and misuse of the portal for personal international travel.

Prohibited Items: TSA has identified numerous prohibited items to include a number of loaded firearms. In some instances, the firearm was not discovered until a return segment in another domestic airport or in a foreign airport where firearms are not allowed in that country, which can lead to incarceration in a foreign jail.

Other Person’s Property: The TSA continues to either observe or discover crewmembers bringing another person’s property through KCM access points. KCM may be used for the crewmember and their personal property only.

Personal International Travel: TSA continues to observe and investigate cases of crewmembers using KCM while on personal travel to international locations. KCM regulations explicitly prohibit use for personal international travel.

The items that you can or cannot bring through the secured area may be found in the Prohibited Items List on the TSA website. The only exemption allowed for uniformed Flight Attendants is the 3-1-1 Liquids, Aerosols and Gels rule.

Every Flight Attendant should check to ensure that they have not inadvertently left a prohibited item in their belongings before they bring them to the KCM entry point! If crewmembers collectively reduce the number of violations, this will trigger a TSA review of whether to reduce the random selection of crewmembers from the KCM portal to the standard screening checkpoint.

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