RED HOT: Omni AFA Flight Attendants Vote 100% to Authorize a Strike
March 1, 2024 - Yesterday, Omni Flight Attendants at Omni Air International overwhelmingly voted 100% to authorize a strike, with 91% participating.
“Omni Flight Attendants are at a breaking point, we’re sending a clear message today: management's offers are unacceptable," said Patricia Huber, AFA Omni President. "We face a relentless combination of disrespect, health concerns, schedule instability, excruciatingly long duty hours, inadequate crew rest, and poverty-level wages. The current state of affairs at Omni is unsustainable. We're fighting to change that."
Omni Flight Attendants have been in contract negotiations for a year-and-a-half and overseen by the National Mediation Board. Negotiations slowed after management put forward offers with inadequate pay increases, unacceptable duty lengths, and inadequate rest.
“Omni management is trying to hide behind the charter curtain and justify horrible working conditions,” said AFA International President Sara Nelson. “Omni Flight Attendants want a fair deal, and if it takes a strike to get one we’ve got their backs across the industry.”
Omni is the latest AFA local to authorize a strike, if necessary, following Alaska’s 99.48% strike vote and Air Wisconsin’s 91% strike vote. Flight Attendants across the industry are ready to do whatever it takes to get the contracts we deserve!