Safety and Security Remain Key Priorities for Flight Attendants During Busy Holiday Season
Washington, DC (October 20, 2015) – –The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) wishes everyone
happy holidays and reminds all passengers the role Flight Attendants serve on board our airplanes.
“We’re charged with the safety, healthy, and security of the passengers in our care,” said AFA International President Sara Nelson.
In addition to our role as aviation’s first responders, since September 11th, Flight Attendants have also become the last line of defense for those on our airplanes. The holidays mark the busiest time of the year to travel and also the time when most people do their traveling. The airports are full and the overhead bins are fuller.
“It is imperative to listen to Flight Attendant instruction,” said Nelson. “We’re there to make your flying experience a good one, but more importantly, we’re there to keep you safe.”
Remember that if you see something, say something. Flight Attendants are here to help – trained to respond in emergency situations, command response in the cabin, and protect the crew and passengers in our care.
While most of us will be traveling with our winter coats and presents for our loved ones, in the event of an emergency evacuation, please leave those things behind; it’s a matter of life and death.
“We’re thankful you’re choosing to spend your holidays with us. Fly safe and Happy Thanksgiving,” said Nelson.
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The Association of Flight Attendants is the world’s largest Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 70 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. Nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at