Stand with Teachers and Students This Friday, April 20
April 19, 2018 — The 2018 AFA-CWA Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution to stand together in solidarity with our teachers and students to demand a safe and robust education system for our children and wages reflecting our educators’ great contributions to our future generations.
Violence in school shootings is at epidemic proportions. Irresponsible budgeting policies and tax cuts have stripped adequate funding from our schools. These fiscally irresponsible decisions have forced teachers to pay out of their shrinking paychecks to provide for their students.
We have a collective responsibility to stand up for the safety and education our children and our teachers. Teachers in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Kentucky through courageous strike action have taken a stand for public education.
We recognize the power of Solidarity to override laws intended to silence teachers and others workers. April 20, 2018, has been designated a nationwide Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools.
Take part in the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Our Schools this Friday April 20, 2018. Get involved at >