WA, VA, NH, CO Residents Especially - Action Required
Last week Fast Track was approved in the House without Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and now this version of the bill, "Naked Fast Track" will go to the Senate. For months Fast Track couldn't get to the floor in the Senate without TAA. Senate Democrats cannot go back on their insistence to include TAA. We must hold them accountable and tell them to oppose a vote on Fast Track without TAA.
Just three of the following Democrats need to vote with us tomorrow to stop Fast Track without TAA from moving forward.
Senate Democrats That Need to Vote Against Naked Fast Track:
- California - Dianne Feinstein
- Colorado - Michael Bennet
- Delaware - Tom Carper & Chris Coons
- Florida - Bill Nelson
- Missouri - Claire McCaskill
- New Hampshire - Jeanne Shaheen
- North Dakota - Heidi Heitkamp
- Oregon - Ron Wyden
- Virginia - Tim Kaine & Mark Warner
- Washington - Maria Cantwell & Patty Murray
Call 1-888-966-9836
Please use the following script:
"Hello, I am a constituent and I'm calling to encourage Senator _____ to vote against Fast Track without TAA. I am opposed to Fast Track overall, but especially without TAA. We cannot allow the House Republicans to get Fast Track without Trade Adjustment Assistance. Make the House commit first. Vote No on TPA without TAA. Thank you."