White House Signals It Feels Pressure to Save Airline Jobs. But Congress Must Act.
August 26, 2020 — Dear Flight Attendants:
Our actions to save our jobs are working. We are creating pressure with our calls, emails, and direct actions at Congressional offices.
Moments ago when a POLITICO reporter asked about extending aid to airlines, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said, "It would take a CARES package I believe to do it. We’re looking at other executive actions... hopefully we can help out the airlines and keep some of those employees from being furloughed.” He also spoke about restarting relief bill talks.
Executive orders will not save our jobs. Note: keep “some of those employees from being furloughed.” Executive orders would not put in place a “clean extension” of our Payroll Support Program (PSP) with all of the job requirements that will save our jobs and keep our industry intact to serve the American public during this pandemic - and provide the lift our economy will need on the other side of it. We need Congress to act.
The previous Executive Orders that disrupted talks on a relief bill did nothing to help the American people. Take heart that Meadows is discussing restarting those talks because that’s what we need and that’s what the real people of our country need for relief in the midst of this crisis.
Flight Attendants and all aviation workers have been demanding a clean extension of the #WorkersFirst Payroll Support Program that will save our jobs and any hope of recovery. This is not about “helping airlines,” this is about helping real Americans. We need Congress to get back to the table for #ReliefNow.
Our actions are working so it’s time to step it up. Keep up your calls to your Representatives and Senators. Plan an action at a congressional office near you. We will guide you through everything you need to make an impact that helps us move this legislation forward.
Bottom line: solidarity is a force stronger than gravity and we need to practice it now like never before. Once harm is allowed to take full effect October 1, it will set us on a destructive path. Our jobs right now and our careers for the long term are on the line. We are the heart of aviation and we need to fight for our lives like we would in any emergency. We all know seconds count when saving lives and you don’t get a second chance to get it right.
In Solidarity,
Photo Credit: Raquel Luchini, Instagram