Vote in the 2022 Midterms
October 25, 2022
There are 14 days until Election Day and early voting has already started in some states. We are counting on every AFA-CWA member to vote. Next year will be critical for Flight Attendants. The FAA is up for reauthorization in 2023. We need memebrs of Congress who will fight for our issues.
Have you made a plan to vote yet? Make a plan to vote early before November 8th. Don't assume you'll be able to cast your vote on Election Day. In our profession, we never know!
Visit our partners at Vote 411 to:
If you have the option, cast your vote through Early Voting or get an Absentee Ballot to submit your vote. Talk with your flying partners about doing the same.
We cannot sit this one out. Voting is key to our credibility with Congress. Turning out in large numbers to vote in November 2022 is critically important to ensure that our voice is heard. Voting — not how you vote but whether or not you exercise this constitutional right — is public record. When we’re able to say with credibility “Flight Attendants vote!” It increases our ability to move our issues.
We need a government that supports our work. Your vote on November 8th may be the one that makes the difference in helping to put in place a pro-Flight Attendant environment in Washington.
In solidarity,